Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

MyWorkarz is an online Business to Business (B2B) portal which connects source countries agencies and destination placement countries agencies. This network portal is used for recruitment, replacement and repatriation for foreign domestic workers in Malaysia. This portal is used as a platform that connects Employer, Malaysian Recruitment Agency, Indonesian Placement Agency, and Foreign Domestic Workers.
It depends on the complexity of the problems / cases. Some problems / cases can be solved immediately but other more difficult issues may take about 3 to 5 working days.
Yes, IPA should have complete licenses to run based on the laws in force in Indonesia.
Yes, you need to provide us with your JTKSM number so we can validate your agency.
  • You can call our customer hotline at 015xxxxxxx or
  • Email us at [email protected] or
  • Contact us via WhatsApp
You can reset your password by clicking on “forgot password” and a link will be sent to your registered email. Go to your registered email to set your new password.
MyWorkarz is a system for Malaysian and Indonesian recruitment agencies, not for employers/PDI. The employer /PDI may refer back to the agency for any inquiries.
Please login to MyWorkarz on Request agency for status tracking .
The minimum salary for PDI is RM 1,500.00 (any application below will be rejected by the embassy). Employers need to pay Overtime (OT) if applicable.
If the employer violates the contract, the employer will be blacklisted.
  • Company Registration Document (NIB)
  • Hiring Agency License
  • Company Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP)
  • IC Director (KTP)
Job Applications are applied to verify employers to recruit PDI.
  • Visit:
  • Click Register, and select Agent Registration
  • Enter Account Data:
    • PIC Full Name
    • Email
    • Password
    • Confirm Password
    • PIC Mobile Number
  • Click Register Now
  • Open Email for Email Verification
  • Click Verify Email
  • Login to MyWorkarz
  • Enter Company Profile:
    • Country (Select Indonesia)
    • Company Name
    • Company Contact Number
    • Company Email
    • Company Address
    • Province
    • NIB
    • Indonesia Agency Recruitment Permit
    • TIN
    • IC Director
    • Bank Account (Bank Name, Account Name, Account Number)
  • MyWorkarz Admin will verify the data
  • IPA will receive a notification email from MyWorkarz
  • Visit:
  • Click Register, and select Agency Registration
  • Enter Account Data:
    • PIC Full Name
    • Email
    • Password
    • Confirm Password
    • PIC Mobile Number
  • Click Register Now
  • Open Email for Email Verification
  • Click Verify Email
  • Login to MyWorkarz
  • Enter Company Profile:
    • Country (Select Malaysia)
    • Company Name
    • Company Contact Number
    • Company Email
    • Company Address
    • State
    • Embassy Registration Certification (Upload File)
    • Company Registration (Upload File)
    • Malaysia Agency Hiring License (Upload File)
    • Corporate Tax
    • IC Director (Upload File)
    • Bank Account (Bank Name, Account Name, Account Number)
  • MyWorkarz Admin will verify the data
  • MRA will receive a notification email from MyWorkarz
You can not use this portal yet since the data and documents uploaded on the registration process is verified first by MyWorkarz.
Contact MyWorkarz admin via email: [email protected] to get a solution for a suspended account
  • MRA looking for Job Order
  • MRA submits a job request
  • MRA creates a Work Order
  • MRA inputs PA data and submits JO in the mission ID system.
  • MRA get endorsed JO to create agency request for MyWorkarz
  • MRA enters Company data into the MyWorkarz
  • Recruitment Process
  • Based on the Job Order that has been endorsed, IPA send quotation to MRA through MyWorkarz
  • MRA pays recruitment fees to MyWorkarz
  • IPA apply SIP2MI
  • IPA accepts certified SIP2MI
  • IPA submits an invoice to the MyWorkarz for the first payment
  • IPA conducts recruitment at Indonesian system
  • IPA registers PDI candidates at Indonesian system
  • IPA sends PDI candidate data to MRA via MyWorkarz
  • Employer Matching Process with PDI
  • Employers and MRA select and if necessary, interview PDI candidates from IPA
  • Employers select PDI through MRA
  • MRA makes an Employment Contract between MRA and employer
  • MRA apply Endorsement Employment Contract to the ID Mission System
  • MRA get an Endorse Employment Contract in the MyWorkarz
  • Visa Issue Processing
  • IPA manages source country health screening in collaboration with FWCMS in Indonesia
  • MRA receive VDR from JIM
  • MRA uploads VDR to MyWorkarz
  • IPA download VDR from MyWorkarz and apply for single entry visa at Malaysian Embassy at the source country
  • IPA uploads single entry visa to MyWorkarz
  • Departure Process
  • MRA apply quarantine center
  • IPA buys PDI departure tickets
  • IPA sends PDI for Pre-Departure Covid Test
  • IPA completes the departure document in the MyWorkarz (Departure Ticket, Pre-Departure Covid Test)
  • IPA registers OPP
  • PDI runs OPP (Pre-Departure Orientation)
  • IPA takes PDI to the departure airport
  • Arrival Process
  • MRA download My Sejahtera app in PDI’s handphone
  • MRA picks up PDI at the airport and brings them straight to the quarantine center
  • PDI runs a quarantine period of 7 days (there will be 2 Covid tests during the quarantine period)
  • After getting quarantine certificate IPA upload final quotation to MyWorkarz
  • MRA to bring PDI for FOMEMA health screening process
  • PDI runs Post Arrival Orientation
  • MRA collect PLKS
  • MRA sends PDI to Employer
  • Employer signs the handover document
  • MRA uploads PDI data in MyWorkarz (FOMEMA, PLKS, Handover Document)
  • PDI : Indonesian Domestic Worker
  • JTKSM : Jabatan Tenaga Kerja Semenanjung Malaysia (Department of Labour of Peninsular Malaysia)
  • MRA : Malaysia Recruitment Agency
  • IPA : Indonesia Placement Agency
  • PLKS : Pas Lawatan Kerja Sementara (Temporary Employment Visit Pass)
  • VDR : Visa With Reference
  • SIP2MI : Surat Izin Perekrutan Pekerja Migran (License permit for Migrant Workers Recruitment)
  • PA : Partnership Agreement
  • EC : Employment Contract
  • JO : Job Order
  • e-PMI : Electronic Card of Indonesian Migrant Workers Identity
  • PDO : Pre-Departure orientation
  • IPA : Placement Worker Indonesian Migrants
  • AP : Agency Work
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